Pura Vida Yoga is here to offer a daily life rich in connection.

BW horizontal detail of chest and shoulders of yogini wearing black one jpeg
BW horizontal detail of chest and shoulders of yogini wearing black one jpeg

Find a Class

Please arrive 15 minutes early for class, as latecomers will not be permitted! It is good practice to sign up for class online to reserve your spot. If you are not here 5 minutes before class your spot could be given to another person waiting. We want our teachers to start class on time. Thank you.

virtual yoga class

Pura Vida Online

You will find some classic classes offered in our studio as well as new content offered by guest instructors. We hope you can enjoy these additions to your studio classes, or if you are unable to come in to the studio to attend classes in person, you can practice from the comfort of your on home. Namaste.


Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Bath February 16

Date February 16 2025
Time 2 pm
Immersive full-body and meditative experience. Class starts with a gentle flow to move your body, followed by stillness and sound waves. Each singing bow is tuned to a certain frequency in correspondence to those of the 7 main chakras, benefiting both the body and the mind in a blissfull sound bath. This is a 75 min class.
Yearly and auto-renew members can get a 10% discount on this class by emailing us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by purchasing at the front desk.

*** class will be held in the heated studio with the heat lowered.

Investement of 32$

MyoYin 60 Minutes with Lisa

Date Thursday January 30 2025
Time 6:30
MyoYin is a mix of myofascial release (MFR) ball therapy and yin yoga. The MFR works on trigger points to help release the tissue that is "stuck". Lisa's describes it best as a self massage followed by a yummy yin pose :)
Investement of 30 $plus taxes  *** Yearly members and auto-renew get 10% discount by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or purchasing in studio

What Clients Say

Quand j’arrive en haut de l’escalier, peu importe à la vitesse où j’arrive, dès que je passe la porte et pénètre dans l’espace Pura Vida, je reviens à mon essence, je ne suis plus la mère, l’amoureuse, la collègue, l’employée de personne, je suis moi pour moi. Et une fois dans le studio, dans la chaleur et l’obscurité du climat bienveillant, mon esprit n’est habité que par la voix enveloppante de l’une ou l’autre des instructrices, je ne pense plus à rien, soulagement et libération du corps et de l’âme. Puis je redescend l’escalier lentement, légère, pour réintégrer doucement ma vie.

Carine Luys
I’ve always been a sporadic yoga practicer - hardly the yogi I had pictured in my mind. I never fully committed, even though I knew in my heart of hearts that Yoga was my home; my safest of places. 2019 changed that. I broke. I went through a terrible break up, I lost a lot, I had been diagnosed with 2 auto immune diseases- all inflammation related, and I just broke. My mind, body, and soul were exhausted, stressed and very much out of alignment.

April 2019 I made a commitment to my highest self, the self who is authentically ME to dig deep and make a real change. I walked into Pura Vida with a false sense of self confidence and took a plunge. I still remember that first class, I have goosebumps now writing about it. Laura was the instructor and I was hidden in the back, unsure of anything. Laura walked in and welcomed the class, and I was INSTANTLY at ease. The class was nothing short of phenomenal, and fun fact - I cried in Shavasana because I knew I found home. Happy Tears!

Every class I gained more and more self confidence, my health issues began to disappear, my mind became calmer, my body was LOVING the detox, and so was my heart. I got to know the instructors more and more and loved them uniquely for what they offered to us, their kind souls emanating through each practice with SO MUCH LOVE! You can FEEL the energy in the room when you're on your mat- this yogi community is pure HEART!

I have been to numerous studios around NB, and while each have a very special vibe - Pura Vida is exactly that - PURE LIFE.

Melissa King
Yoga makes me feel calm and grounded! The environment at Pura Vida Studio is beautiful and full of amazing energy; thank you to the staff for making each yoga practice a unique experience!

Nathalie Perron
Pura Vida is my happy place!! I've met so many great people at the studio which many have become good friends. The teachers are always attentive and offer tips on modifications of postures to help develop your practice. This studio is by far the space I enjoy to go to when I need to reconnect with myself, mind, body and soul. They offer a wide variety of heated and non-heated classes that are open to all levels of practice. Pura Vida represents everything that the essence of yoga is about.

Guylaine Roy
For someone who has never been much of an active person, I got my proof this morning of how much I now love hot yoga which I started about 6 months ago. Since I didn't get to a class in the last week while Marc was away, I was up and ready for an 1.5 hour class this morning. I got there only to realize I had gotten the time wrong and had missed the class. I felt like crying, truly sad. Very strange feeling for me, as I've never felt this way about any sort of physical activity. Feeling grateful that I've found an activity that nurtures my body and soul. Thank you Pura Vida!!

Anne-Sophie Chiasson
I started going to Pura Vida when I was experiencing anxiety from stress and having regular panic attacks. Having taken medication for anxiety in the past I wanted to explore other methods before having to take medication again. I had taken yoga classes at a local gym in the past and decided to give it another try. Since joining I've been attending classes regularly, I fell In love with hot yoga! my panic attacks and anxiety have subsided and when I have a stressful day at work I make it a point to attend a class, when I wake up feeling anxious I make it a priority to go in for a class and take care of myself. I love the sense of community at Pura Vida! Thank you so much to all the amazing teachers who are there for us every day guiding us through our practice as we all deal with our own struggles, such a therapeutic environment.